The well-being of sick people, help for caregivers, heritage, sport, ... Sothys is committed.
Sothys is also...
Well-being of sick people.
A supporter of associations which care for the well-being of sick people.
Bringing unique moments of relaxation and serenity to its customers, such is the vocation of Sothys treatments and protocol.
As part of partnerships with the Ligue contre le cancer, the Maison du bien-être and various hospitals, specially trained socio-estheticians provide Sothys care to patients to help them overcome their painful ordeals, recreating a link, a communication in order to avoid loss of confidence and the temptation to withdraw into oneself.

Aesthetics, emotion and refinement are values ??that the beauty and well-being professions claim with the world of the arts. These common values, Sothys wishes to bring them to life and has been involved for years by supporting artistic events where innovation and creativity are honored.
The love of art is good only if it is shared. And it is in this spirit that Sothys works to promote modes of artistic expression as varied as cinema, television, music and the lyrical arts.

Sothys has always put forward the human and the French origin of its production.We are committed for the enhancement and safeguard of the heritage is a natural extension of that, especially in its Corrèze home.
Examples of this commitment include the renovation of churches in the area, Saint-Hilaire La Combe in Curemonte, Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens in Noailhac and the creation of contemporary stained glass windows in the Chapelle des Pénitents in Collonges.
Preserving our French heritage.